Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Journey Begins

In a little under 4 months, I turn 50. That's half a century. When I was born, John Kennedy was just elected President. There were no computers, cell phones, or most of the other items that we now use every day. Rock and roll was still young. There were no CD's or DVD's. In fact, 8 tracks had not even been invented.

I have been thinking about turning 50 for several months now. In fact, everything has been considered in the context of turning 50. I had to watch the Winter Olympics because since they are only every 4 years, I pondered how many I might have left. I ponder the significance of holidays more. I marvel at technology but find myself nostalgic for simpler times. Also, I like to consider myself far more wise though others might contest that.

In that wisdom I realized a few months ago that I was also nearing 50 in some areas that were not good. On bad days, my blood pressure was not far from 50 with a 100 in front of it. My weight kept creeping more and more toward 50 with a 200 in front of it. My waist size (the one measured, not the one used by stores) was dangerously close to just plain old 50.

I knew that I had to make some changes so thus the idea came for a personal campaign, "Fit by 50." I recommitted to the gym, hired a trainer (there will be many discussions about him to come), and changed what I ate. That was around the end of April.

The results have started and I am happy to say that the waist size is down a few inches and the blood pressure is back to normal. The weight loss is slow and steady (like it's supposed to be "Biggest Loser" fans).

However this blog will be about more than my waist size or blood pressure. Being "Fit by 50" is far more reaching than just physical. It is about continuing the journey to know myself, to understand what i believe, and to try to match that belief system in how I live.

As I turn 50, I realize I need to not let all of this wisdom go to waste. I have so much I want to write about: gay life, growing older gay, politics, music, Nashville, and much more. If others read and like it, that is great but honestly, it is mainly for me.

So I start the journey to 50. I choose to embrace it. As I near 50, I have the same thoughts that I had at 30 and 40. I can even turn 50 or I can't. Given those two options, I much prefer 50.

I am planning a huge celebration the weekend after my birthday. I want to connect my birthday with one of my favorite events, Nashville's "Artrageous." It will be a weekend of celebrating life, family, friends, memories, and giving. More to come on that but for now, join me in this journey. I am excited about it and hope that along the way, something I write makes you reflect or enlightens you, challenges you, or just makes you laugh.

The journey begins. I hope you will be a part of it and enjoy it with me. Until next time.....

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